
How much self-respect must be sacrificed in order that one may squirm continually in an awareness of one's own sin? [1]

Sin is going against the wishes of some divine being or divine beings.

Christianity and sin

In Christianity sin means breaking God’s law and some Christians devote effort to making themselves miserable to atone for their sins. Some Christians also make the people round them miserable to atone for those other people’s sins. Priests, preachers pastors etc make a living partly teaching the faithful how they imagine god wants them to atone for their sins or (Protestantism) or acting as intermediaries inducing god fo forgive their sins, (Roman Catholicism). [2] If god commands genocide failing to carry out that commandment fully is sinful. [3]

Somehow we’re all at fault for Original sin though we didn’t do it, still we must spend our lives feeling guilty over that. Rather original sin made us imperfect so that we sin continually and should continually feel guilty. Why are we guilty over imperfection that we can’t prevent? Do Christians have any problem? Really?

See also
