
Conservative Christians sometimes act as if only killing people directly mattered. Other causes of unnecessary deaths also matter.


Fundamentalist Christians sometimes opposes vaccination against the life threatening diseases. [1]. If this campaign prevents some girls getting vaccine there will quite likely be unnecessary deaths. A serial killer who kills, for example ten people faces execution or life imprisonment without parole in any civilized country. Campaigns against life saving vaccines can easily cause ten deaths or many more. [2]

Irresponsible campaigns against vaccination can’t easily be prevented. There are free speech issues. The supporters of vaccination can also exercise free speech and point that those who run irresponsible campaigns can be seen as equivalent to murderers. Any intelligent, sane person who should understand the implications of opposing vaccination that doctors recommend. There is a case for arguing that such a person is morally equivalent to a cold blooded murderer. A less intelligent person may not fully understand the implications of his actions and his campaign may be morally equivalent to manslaughter rather than murder. There is a third option, which is perhaps the saddest option of all. When ideology or the love of money are more important than saving lives.

General health care

The death rate is marginally lower in many advanced European countries, notably Britain and France, and Scandinavia than in the United States which has higher living standards but a worse health care system. In these countries universal health care [3] prevents many deaths. Conservative Christian Republicans campaign against The Affordable Care Act despite the potential for improved health care to save lives. This campaign can also be seen as morally equivalent to manslaughter or murder depending on how far the campaigners understand the effects of their campaign.


Conservative Christians have also recently begun placing moral priority of an unborn fetus over the life of a woman or the need of her existing children for a mother. In the most extreme examples, such as Chile and El Salvador where even the impending death of the mother is not sufficient for a legal abortion.

Prayer instead of medicine

Children and adults die when some Fundamentalist Christian Sects believe that Prayer is better than medicine. [4]

See also


